Google App started an on-Screen Speedometer while Driving

We had reported that Google has updated many essential features to Map includes speed limit indication and speed camera alert. With these features, users found a new option of the speedometer in this app while driving. Google App started an on-screen speedometer while driving which is a plus point for the drivers.

This new feature can be turned on in the app preference in the navigation setting. It displays a speedometer in the bottom left corner of the screen while using driving guidance. This addition is a really nice and working addition to Google. This addition will help us in speed limit and trap indication and alert you when you are speeding up.

Unfortunately, it is not properly with Android Auto yet. If you are not driving with the mount then you are out of luck of this new feature. The speedometer meter will show when you are using an auto app.

This new feature is still not working in some places but it is a piece of good news that is it available in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, India, Netherland, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, UK, and US, it shows that the people are using this feature and app in wide range and liking it too. I hope it will definitely be used by people worldwide. So start your ride with this amazing and useful feature and make your ride easy and safe.


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