PUBG Maintenance Update

Here is the breaking news for all the PUBG lovers who are worried due to improper functionality of the game. The reason behind this is the technical team is working on the PUBG maintenance update of servers. The maintenance schedule because PUBG is not working in the Xbox and PS4. This is the latest 11 update of the PUBG corporation.

What company about this new maintenance a few hours ago.

  • Xbox & PS4 Players: Live servers will undergo maintenance for 6 hours on July 29 10pm PDT / July 30 7am CEST.
  • The Deagle, BRDM-2, Ledge Grab, Improved Loot Sorting, and more will be available once the maintenance is complete.
  • Maintenance Panel:
  • PDT: July 29 10pm – July 30 4am
  • CEST: July 30 7am – 1pm

Source:- piunikaweb

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