How To Delete A Cell In Jupyter Notebook?

Jupyter notebook is a web-based application for deleting a cell in Jupyter Notebook, that provides you to create and share a computing document with live code, equations, visualization, and text for deleting a cell in Jupyter Notebook. It is also known as the IPython notebook project.

A notebook is a mutable file saved in Ipynb format, It is used for a computational notebook that can be opened with a Jupyter notebook. Jupyter notebook is a notebook, that can help to manage other notebooks kennel is also part of the Jupyter notebook.

Jupyter notebook is used for several varieties of purposes, such as a piece of code, observation of outputs, and making changes according to their opinion. Jupyter notebook has independent executable code cells that users can run in any order. Documentation can be done by alternating between code and markdown cells. In the manner how to delete a cell in Jupyter python? You can also take a closer look at how to uninstall Dropbox from Macbook whether it is for a beginner or experienced user with ease to way.

Types Of Cells In Jupyter Notebook:

There are technically four types of cells, and all the cells make a great role in the Jupyter notebook:

  • Code: Code cells are cells that execute your data with their code.
  • Markdown: that text which can be formatted using markdown language.
  • Raw NBConvert: It can be used to provide different code formats into HTML or LaTeX by Sphinx.
  • Heading: These cells are those that contain the information that is critical to understanding the raw data in a table.

Process Of Deleting A Cell In Jupyter Notebook:

Here are the steps for deleting a cell in Jupyter Notebook, with the help of these steps you can remove your cell from Jupyter notebook:

  • Click on the cell number area.
  • Press “D” two times

Another key to delete cell:

  • Press “Escape”
  • then press “X”

Selecting all the number cells and then escaping from the input focus allows the usage of shortcuts.

How Do I Delete A Cell In Jupyter Notebook Pycharm?

Here is the process of deleting a cell in Jupyter Notebook Pycharm, we can remove it from Jupyter notebook pycharm by using very easy steps:

  • First, we have to Jupyter Notebook plugin installed, If not then you can install it by going to settings/preference by searching.
  • Open the Jupyter notebook file containing the cell you want to delete.
  • Select the cell you want to delete.
  • Press “Delete”
  • And “Right-click” on the cell and press delete the cell.

How Do I Remove A Variable In Jupyter Notebook?

  • Using a “Delete” command, easily we can remove variables in Jupyter Notebook, but we have a simple process of deleting variables in Jupyter notebook:
  • Using the delete keyword: using the “Del” command is the easiest method of cleaning variables in Jupyter notebook.
  • Deleting multiple variables in Jupyter Notebook: we can remove multiple variables at once with this method.
  • Using dir() and globals(): You can also delete “All variables” in your program at once.

How To Select Several Cells In Jupyter Notebook?

It is very easy to select cells in Jupyter Notebook:

  • Click on the “first cell “your want to select.
  • “Press shift” with cells.
  • “Select the last cell” that you want to select.
  • All cells are selected.

How Do I Delete Empty Cells In Jupyter Notebook?

To delete empty cells we have to follow these steps, we have to follow these steps for delete or remove an empty cell in Jupyter Notebook:

  • Click on an empty cell and want to delete it.
  • After that click on “Edit” from the menu at the top of the Jupyter Notebook.
  • Select “Delete Cells” from the dropdown menu. It will delete selected cells.
  • To delete, multiple cells hold on to the “Shift key” and click each cell want to delete.

Follow these steps for deleting empty cells in Jupyter Notebook.


These are the several ways to delete a cell in Jupyter Notebook. If you want to delete any kind of cell from these categories then you can delete it by using these steps. And these steps for deleting cells permanently can not be undone, so make sure you have selected the correct cell to delete.


How To Delete A Cell In Jupyter Notebook?

We have to click on the cell want to delete after that press “D” two times, and Press the “Shift” and “Enter” keys at the same time, your cell will be deleted.

Shortcut Key To Delete A Cell In Jupyter Notebook?

Yes, there is a shortcut key for deleting a cell in Jupyter Notebook Follow these steps:
Click on the cell want to delete.
Press “D” twice
Hold on “Shift” and “Enter”

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