Zero Rupee Note New Way To Fight Against Corruption In India

The NGO in India bring a concept of Zero Rupee Note which should be the next bribe for the corrupt officials system in India.

Zero Rupee Note

This is new concept brought by a NGO named as 5th Pillar, There are more then 1200 schools and lacks of people are gone through this concept. They want that youth of India have power to say NO to down the table money. Now this Zero Note concept it showing a path to our youth. In this fight not only youth are involved now we all have to come together and say no to Corruption.


So we will request to all users to share this post and tell every Indian that we need to change our system and that can be done only by saying no and Zero Rupee Note will be the best way to answer.


Now it you turn to say no and share this to every One.

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